Terrible photo, I know, but I was being lazy and didn't feel like getting out the camera. This was taken with my phone. I'm on the last stripe now, not shown in this photo. It's a red stripe, then bind off in black. I'm on round 6 of 14, so getting there. His birthday party is Sunday so I'm gonna knit like crazy to get it done, not sure if it will be done in time or not but I'm gonna try. He knows I'm working on it so it's not a surprise, but he doesn't know I'm hoping for it to be done by then. He's in kindergarten, and since they are there for a full day, they take a rest time. He's got a small blanket that he uses but it's just a plain blue fleece with a bunny on it, not really very cool LOL. Spiderman will be much cooler! I started it several months ago but abandoned it after a horrible case of startitis in which many other projects somehow jumped into my hands. The night before school started we were looking for a blanket to take, and he said "I know, why don't you just knit me one?" although I was flattered at his confidence in my knitting abilities, I had to inform him that it would take me longer than one evening. I assured him I'd get started on it again though and finish it as quickly as I could. Well, that was 6 weeks ago. Hey, I've got 3 kids, not a lot of time for knitting (or blogging for that matter), In fact right now I'm typing while holding a squirming almost 5 month old on my lap. She's making it difficult though, she keeps grabbing my fingers as I type! LOL.
Off to feed my family. Happy knitting!